seo 関連ツイート
・運動中、運動後(運動開始15分後~運動後3時間程度)@seo_nobashitai 2019/01/12 10:09
ちゃんと朝飯食いますŧ‹”ŧ‹”( ‘ч’ )ŧ‹”ŧ‹”@seo_manaka 2019/01/12 10:15
@0817_Seo おはよ〜!!
@Fal_pia 2019/01/12 10:24
How to Master Nursing Calculations: Improve Your Maths and Make Sense of Drug Dosage ChartsFor the maths-phobic, this 2nd edition of the best-selling How to Master Nursing Calculations, is ideal practice for learning key numeracy skills. The perfect companion for your training and in the first few crucial years of your career, it builds your competency through practice, revision and every day examples. Contents includes a review of the basics, clear illustrations of instrument scales, medical administration records and pharmaceutical labels as well as a detailed guide to reading drug dosage charts. Including a brand new list of important abbreviations and a section on how to make drug calculations without equations - requiring little mathematical knowledge - How to Master Nursing Calculations, 2nd edition, will help you master complex dosages and turn you into a maths whiz.Dimensions: 21.5 x 14 x 1.1 centimetres (0.18 kg)ベストセラーのマスター看護計算法の第2版である数学と恐怖については、重要な数値計算スキルの学習には理想的な方法です。
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・運動中、運動後(運動開始15分後~運動後3時間程度)@seo_nobashitai 2019/01/12 10:09
ちゃんと朝飯食いますŧ‹”ŧ‹”( ‘ч’ )ŧ‹”ŧ‹”@seo_manaka 2019/01/12 10:15
@0817_Seo おはよ〜!!
@Fal_pia 2019/01/12 10:24