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【取寄せ】 ディズニー Disney US公式商品 スターウォーズ X-Wing エックスウィング ペン 筆記具 文具 文房具 ボール 限定版 限定 エステーデュポン [並行輸入品] Ballpoint Ball Pen by S.T. Dupont - Star Wars Limited Edition グッズ ストア プレゼント ギフト 誕生





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>【スター・ウォーズ Star Wars】を探す<●商品説明Limited Edition of 1963Based on ''Streamline-R'' pen by S.T. DupontDelicately enhanced with guilloche motifs inspired by the original design of the spacecraftEngraved with the Star Wars logoClip is decorated with the Rebel Alliance symbolMade from Ceramium A.C.T., an exclusive high-tech material, which is both extremely light and strong, making it almost impossible to dent or scratchThe stand for the X-Wing is to be self assembled. Also made from Ceramium ACT, it transforms the pen into a true Rebel Alliance fighter craftThe X-Wing Collector's Set comes in a luxurious glossy black lacquer box holding an X-Wing writing instrument and all the pieces required to assemble your own Rebel Alliance fighter craft The inside of the box bears a numbered plate stamped with the famous Star Wars logo.The X-Wing writing instrument is available as a fountain pen, rollerball and ballpoint, each sold separatelyBlack inkPart of the Star Wars Collection by S.T. Dupont●仕様Ceramium A.C.T / guillocheImportedお届け時期:2-4週間後当商品は、取寄せのため【ご注文後に欠品、キャンセル】となる場合がございます。







  • 商品価格:551,875円
  • レビュー件数:0件
  • レビュー平均:0.0

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